Suzie Silveira

Suzie Silveira


Suzie began her career at The Bank of America, responsible for the Microfiche Department and storage of all bank records. At the Prudential, Suzie worked as a Sales & Development Analyst managing a support team.

Suzie successfully manages a substantial portfolio of 72 residential properties, ensuring there are never voids/rent arrears. This includes all relevant certification Electrical, Gas, EPC, surveys and licensing. Additionally, maintenance, rent uplifts and insurance claims.

Suzie is well respected and has cultivated a great reciprocating loyalty over many years and built a great rapport with the architects, lawyers, accountants, estate agents and contractors.

She is responsible for refurbishments, risk assessments, rent guarantees and deposits.

Suzie is responsible for maintaining the Company accounts, payments and bank reconciliation utilising the Xero Accounting system.

Suzie manages the office staff comprising of Invoice Clerk and Admin Clerk.

Suzie manages the Burney Office, organising all aspects of the smooth running of the office communications, mobiles and IT.

Suzie has a great work ethic, she works tirelessly for a successful outcome and known as the office troubleshooter, her vast knowledge and years of experience ensure that no problem remains unresolved!

+44 (0) 208501 5400